500 Terry Francine Street,
San Francisco, CA 94158
"I think I'm depressed. I just don't feel that spark anymore. it's like a big, empty space inside."
NOTHING is worse than feeling depressed. Nothing. And after talking with people for over 12 years, I can tell you I've figured out the hack to get you out of a depressed state and back into a fully and thriving life.
This is what I hear most often when I first meet someone:
* I've tried it all. Talk therapy. CBT. Off-sites. Yoga. Fucking CrossFit. Read all the books, and nothing is changing.
* I don't get what the point is. Of my job. My life.
* I used to feel my life, and now I feel...nothing. Blah. Tired.
You're feeling depression. You are not a depressive. Those are two different things. I can help you get out of the depressive emotions and help you feel alive again. In one session, you'll taste the possibilities.
Think of what I do as complementary alternative therapy.
I'm not a licensed clinician, even as I know the field very well. I've been pulling people out of their horrible depressive feelings for over 12 years and I can get you out of it...fast.
My methods are based on breaking your addiction to your mind and being very aware of the here and now. We're all addicted to our minds thoughts. Break that addiction and your free.
Also, a bit of free insight for you. Depression is a symptom of unexpressed rage. Feel the rage, and the depression lifts. Every_fucking_time.
"I'm anxious all the time. I can't relax. I worry, I can't sleep."
Anxiety is our worrying about the worst case scenario. It's paralyzes us. We can't act, move or function. The worst part of anxiety is it has enormous physical components. It's as if our bodies are in a vice .grip and there's no escape.
Pain attacks can seemingly come out of nowhere. But they don't come from 'nowhere'. They come to our attention to thoughts and other people's thoughts about the state of the world and our place in it.
Anxiety is my wheelhouse. I fucking love anxiety because I know it inside and out. I know where it hides, how it's created, and how we have to tackle it head-on to make it stop once and for all.
A great trick I use is I tell people during a panic attack to do the following.
Name 5 things you can touch
4 things you can smell
3 things you can taste
2 things you can hear
1 thing you can see
If you do that in the middle of a panic attack, or that horrible feeling of pre-panic, the feelings WILL stabilize, and you WILL feel in power again.
I help very busy people grab anxiety by the throat and tame it once and for all. If we're in management, leaders of companies, workers, entrepreneurs, artists -- we must learn to tame our anxiety, or it will be our downfall. It's not about confidence.
It's about true, deep, authentic power.
Anxiety demands you take control and not let it control you. I can show you how to do that with a snap of my fingers.
✨ 35 Years Experience ✨ 100s Lives Changed ✨ 25+ Live Events